Staff-Parish Relations Team Lead

Purpose: Supports the staff of the church much like a human resources department

Responsible to: District superintendent & the community of St. Luke’s

Description of Duties: Evaluations and recommendations for clergy and candidates, liaison with staff to team regarding workplace issues, liaison between congregation and staff, interviews and hiring, budget management for salary and benefits. Ensure that employment laws are followed. The makeup of this 9-member team is defined in the Book of Discipline. We try to maintain one person on the team with a professional HR background. Attend Executive Team. Prepare annual report from SPRT and present this at the annual Church Conference.

Time Requirements: Monthly evening meetings of 2-3 hours (no December meeting, often skip a summer month as well). Preparation of 1-2 hours per month talking to staff liaison members. Additional preparation required of chair. Occasional extra time during hiring process, clergy evaluation process, and budget request.

Term: 3 years. The Team Lead is always selected from 2nd year class and sits on the executive board during that year.

Training and Resources: The Team Lead attends January training with superintendent, other training covered during regular meetings

Skills and gifts: Administration, Discernment, Leadership.

Benefits to one serving in this role: Getting to know the existing staff, involvement in selection of new staff, making a difference in the lives of our staff by negotiating the most beneficial salary and benefit packages. Experience on this team is directly applicable to many corporate positions.

Completed by/date: Elizabeth Bauer 3/16/2008
Updated by Renae Parra 10/2017